Taught Course Theses

Since Jan 2014, Taught Course Theses can only be submitted online. To submit a final, corrected, and graded Taught Thesis visit https://student.intranet.nuigalway.ie.
Taught Course Theses are mainly taught masters’ theses but can be from any taught course.


Service Description

The Library provides the Taught Course Thesis service and the service allows for the submission, storage, and discovery of Taught Course Theses.
Taught Course Theses are mainly taught masters’ theses but can include theses from any other types of courses. For example, certificates and diplomas.

Who can use the service?

Students and staff of NUI Galway can submit thesis documents. The service is opt-in.
Staff and students of NUI Galway can view approved thesis documents.
The public can search for theses via Library search, but an NUI Galway account is required to view the full text of taught theses.


Read more about NUI Galway Theses


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