Inter Library Loans (ILL) at NUI Galway Library

Did you know the Library operates an Inter-Library Loans service? This means that researchers and students can borrow books or journal articles not held in the library collection from other libraries at national and international level! All academic staff, research masters and PhD candidates can automatically apply for an inter-library loan free of charge. Uniquely amongst Irish Universities, NUI Galway does not charge for this service. Taught masters can apply for a restricted number of ILLs and undergraduates may apply to the Academic Skills service for approval to submit an ILL request. All undergraduates have to do is email and a decision will be taken whether to put the request forward for an application. This could be particularly useful for your final year dissertation. Articles are generally supplied within 24 hours and in most cases can be sent directly to your email address, though in some cases you will be required to collect the item from the ...