Use Firefox? Try the Zotero Add-on!

If you use the Firefox web browser, you might be interested in some of the many add-ons you can integrate into it. One in particular is Zotero , a free, easy-to-use extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. Some of its features include: Automatic capture of citation information from web pages Storage of PDFs, files, images, links, and whole web pages Flexible notetaking with autosave You can find more information about the add-on at One of the best things about Zotero is that you can integrate what you've done with it into EndNote, the university's bib. management software of choice. You can find out more about EndNote on the Library's dedicated EndNote section , which includes guides, and training times). Finally, if you use EndNote, here's a quick explanation on how to import references from Zotero into EndNote.