Open Voices: The state of Open Access at the University of Galway
In this blog post Open Scholarship Librarian Hardy Schwamm looks at progress of Open Access publishing at the University of Galway, ambitions and pathways forward. This post aims to summarise where we are with regards to Open Access publishing at the University of Galway and where we are heading in the coming years. As a disclaimer I should say that below relates to our publications in peer-reviewed periodicals and does not cover research published in monographs or educational material. The state of Open Access at the University of Galway Our Open Access ambition(s) Our ambitions are informed by Open University of Galway , one of the institution’s four strategic values, the Library’s strategic theme of Opening Scholarship and the national Open Access goal (articulated by the National Open Research Forum ): “ By 2030 Ireland will have implemented a sustainable and inclusive course for achieving 100% open access to research publications. ” Clearly, our institutional goal