
Showing posts from March, 2020

Roundhall Law books now available on Westlaw IE

The Library has taken out subscriptions to a number of Roundhall law books on the Westlaw IE database to assist law students and staff during the current COVID-19 restrictions.  The specific titles are: Clark - Contract Law in Ireland; 8th Ed. 2016 Crowley - Family Law, 1st Ed. 2013 Hogan, Morgan and Daly - Administrative Law in Ireland 5th Ed. 2019 McGrath - Evidence 2nd Ed., 2014 Meenan - Employment Law These titles are available to Browse under the  Books Tab   on Westlaw IE (as shown in the header image).  There are a number of extra titles also included on Westlaw IE that we will monitor usage for before subscribing. Delany - Civil Procedure in the Superior Courts, 3rd Ed. O'Malley - Criminal Process, 1st Ed. O'Malley - Sentencing Law and Practice, 3rd Ed. Access  these legal titles on  Westlaw IE  via the   Library Catalogue . Collection Development

JSTOR: Free access to Public Health journals until 30 June

JSTOR is providing free access to 26 archive journals in Public Health until 30 June to help support scholars during this challenging time. Topics addressed include: Epidemiology Health Policy and Administration Occupational and Environmental Health Health Equity Culture of Health, Aging, Bioethics, and Health Promotion Access to the 26 journals is available here. Collection Development

Bloomsbury Irish Company Law and Irish Employment Law books now available online

We have added two new Law collections to our Bloomsbury Professional Online subscriptions to   help our law students and staff access high demand law texts at this time. The new collections are:  Irish Company Law Irish Employment Law We now have full text access to a number of high demand law books notably: Employment Law - Murphy, Regan Equality Law in the Workplace - Purdy Law of Companies - Courtney Keane on Company Law - Hutchinson In addition there are a broad range of supplementary titles in both subject areas, provided as well. To access these titles (as well as our other new collections in Irish Property Law & Civil Litigation) go to the Library Catalogue and search for Bloomsbury Professional Online . In addition full records and links to all individual books are being added to our Library Catalogue to enhance access. The full list of titles of the new collections are: Irish Company Law Bloomsbury Professional's Compa

JoVE Science Education - Free Access until 15 June

JoVE Science Education is a revolutionary video library dedicated to teaching scientific fundamentals through simple easy-to-understand video demonstrations. JoVE is kindly providing access to all of their Science Education video content free to use in STEM teaching efforts until Monday 15th June in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. Access to the JoVE collections listed below is now available via this link. Basic Biology Advanced Biology Chemistry Physics Engineering Environmental Sciences Psychology Clinical Skills Lab Manual: Core: BIO Core: Psychology Collection Development

Key Irish Law books now available online- Irish Civil Litigation

In response to the COVID-19 situation and the restriction of services on campus, the Library has acquired access to the Irish Civil Litigation Service published by Bloomsbury Professional Online .  This collection contains a number of key Irish constitutional and civil law titles in electronic form inc: Constitutional Law of Ireland  – Forde &    Leonard Contract Law  - McDermott Kelly: The Irish Constitution  - Hogan Judicial Review  – De Blacam Law of Torts  - Binchy To access the titles go to the  Library Catalogue   and search for  Bloomsbury Professional Online. These titles will added individually to the  Library Catalogue  to improve discoverability. In addition there is a large range of supplementary titles included in the collection. The full Irish Civil Litigation list is: Ancillary Discovery – O’Neill Constitutional Law of Ireland – Forde &   Leonard Contract Law - McDermott Court Applications under the Companies Acts - Samad

Bloomsbury Irish Property Law e-books now available

In response to the current COVID-19 situation and the restriction of services on campus, the Library has subscribed to the Irish Property Law Service produced by  Bloomsbury Professional Online . This collection contains a number of core legal titles such as:  Irish Land Law - by Wylie Equity and the Law of Trusts in Ireland - Keane Irish Conveyancing Law - Wylie In addition, as part of the collection, there is a broad range of supplementary legal texts on the subject area. To access the list of our Bloomsbury Law titles go to the Library Catalogue and search for  Bloomsbury Professional Online. These titles will added individually to the Library Catalogue  to improve discoverability. The full list of titles on the Irish Property Law Service : A Casebook on Equity and Trusts in Ireland - Wylie Co-Ownership of Land: Partition Actions and Remedies - Conway Compulsory Purchase and Compensation in Ireland: Law and Practice – Galligan and McGrath Equity a

International encyclopedia of public health - online access now available

Online access to  International Encyclopedia of Public Health (2nd ed., Academic Press, 2017) is now available via the library catalogue.   International Encyclopedia of Public Health is an authoritative and comprehensive guide to the major issues, challenges, methods, and approaches of global public health. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, this new edition combines complementary scientific fields of inquiry. It links biomedical research with the social and life sciences to address the major themes of: public health research  disease health processes and disciplines Covering all dimensions, the articles cover the fundamental research areas of health promotion, economics, and epidemiology, as well as specific diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and reproductive health.  Collection Development

GIDEON - Global Infectious Diseases Database - Temporarily available for March

GIDEON is a leading Global Infectious Disease knowledge management tool. It is an online application that helps medical professional diagnose infectious diseases and stay up to date on the latest trends in epidemiology and treatment. The tool consists of two principle content modules, which are continually updated:  Infectious Diseases  Microbiology The Infectious Diseases module encompasses over 350 infectious diseases, 231 countries, and over 400 anti-infective drugs and vaccines.  Microbiology includes more than 1,700 microbial taxa (Bacteria, Mycobacteria, Yeasts). The information Gideon handles is updated weekly and includes more than 20,000 images, graphics, and infographics maps. Access Gideon via the Library Catalogue until the end of March 2020. Collection Development 

BMJ Best Practice - access now available

BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision support tool, uniquely structured around the patient consultation, with advice on symptom evaluation, tests to order and treatment approach. It is particularly useful for junior doctors, multidisciplinary teams, specialists working outside of their specialty and GPs.  Key features of BMJ Best Practice: search thousands of clinical topics and over 6,000 clinical guidelines. check prescription guidance using linked drug databases and over 250 medical calculators  find answers fast using a layout that mirrors the patient consultation  stay current with important updates highlighted within each topic get step-by-step guidance via unique treatment algorithm tables Access to BMJ Best Practice is now available, courtesy of HSE Library & Knowledge Services, via the library catalogue.   A user guide is available  here   including details of how to download the app. Collection Development

Waiting period for books on hold reducing from 7 to 3 days

We really value user feedback, and one thing you've told us loud and clear is that you think books that have been recalled spend too much time in the holds room before being put back into the stacks for general circulation. Previously we held a book that had been recalled for seven days in the holds room. We are now reducing that amount of time to three days. So if you wish to place a hold on a book that is already checked out to another user, do so, but please remember that you now have three days to pick up the book from the Library before it will be released to so that other users can borrow it. This change comes into effect Monday, March 9, 2020.