Publishing an Open Access Monograph

In our Open Voices series we are talking to Dr Éamon Ó Cofaigh , who recently published the monograph “ A Vehicle for Change. Popular Representations of the Automobile in 20th-Century France ”. It is available from Liverpool University Press as an Open Access Monograph free to download (or as a printed copy for £34.99). We talked to Éamon about his book and about his experience of publishing a monograph Open Access. A Vehicle for Change book cover Hardy: Éamon, thanks for talking to me and congratulations on publishing your book. Éamon : Thank you very much. Hardy: We will talk about what it is like to publish an Open Access Monograph, but first can you please summarise what your book is about? Éamon : Well, my book is based on my PhD thesis which I completed in 2015 and it's about how the automobile was and is consumed in France. I look at popular representations of the car and see how they evolved. For example, I look at m...