Mendeley Introductory Training

Michaela Kurschildgen from Elsevier and Lukasz Porwol from DERI /Insight Research Centre will present an introductory training session on Mendeley Reference Management tool on Thursday 1 May 4-5 pm in the Nursing Library pc suite.

Booking link and further details below:

An introduction to Mendeley:  1 May 2014, 16.00-17.00

-       What is Mendeley

-       How Mendeley is used:

Importing documents to your Mendeley library

Organizing your library

Generating citations in Word

Mendeley’s collaboration tool: public and private groups

Mendeley is a free reference management tool and academic social network that can help you organise your research, collaborate with others online and discover the latest publications in your field. Information about how Mendeley can help you and guidance on getting started can be found at:
