Upcoming changes to loan periods and renewals


Over the last number of months we have reviewed the following borrowing, loan and renewal privileges for JHL users -
  • patron / user types
  • loan periods
  • maximum number of books borrowed at a time
  • maximum number of renewals allowed
This review applied to normal loan books and no changes are being made for the shorter 3 day and 1 day loan books.

Our goals were to -

  • Reduce the number of different types of patrons / users, currently 27 different types
  • Increase the number of allowable renewals where possible
  • Increase the number of borrowed items allowed where possible

The table below sumarises the new patron types and borrowing rights associated with staff and students -

Patron Type Includes the following
Number of normal items
Loan period in days
Renewals allowed
Max length of loan
Taught All undergraduates and postgraduates
following a taught programme
Research Research postgraduates
Staff All academic, admin and support staff


These new patron types and loan periods will be implemented for all new loans and renewals from the end of June 2015. Over the next academic year we will be monitoring usage to ensure that all user have benefited from these changes.


Anonymous said…
This is just a personal opinion but I'm not sure that changing the loan period for taught postgrads from 28 days to 7 is a good idea, despite the renewals changing to 10. The part-time taught postgrads may be affected. I suppose we will just have to ensure plenty of e-book availability.
Gabi Honan