Library search improvements to our online catalogue

We are currently upgrading the search features of our online catalogue. It is expected that this upgrade, which incorporates some exciting new features, will go live later this Summer. With this upgrade, we will roll out some new features which we feel will enhance the user experience. Some of the new features include, Browse Search and the Virtual Shelf Tab. These new features are described below.

New features

Browse Search

To access Browse, select 'Browse Search' next to the simple search box, as shown below.

The Browse Search page allows you to browse library material (local material only) by author, title, and subject heading.

When you have done your search and you have results, you can select an underlined entry to see its associated records.

Selecting on the entry link will bring you to the list of records.

Virtual Shelf Tab

Browsing through the shelves of the library has always been a great way to discover resources. A Virtual Shelf tab has been added to the catalogue search results page. You can now browse forward and backward through items in our local collection.

There will be more announcements with regards to the new search improvements to our catalogue in the near future.
