Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae - new acquisition
This important research resource is now available for consultation at 704.9470938 LEX in Humanities and Social Sciences Reference on Floor 1 of the Library.
Prof. Michael Clarke, Head of Classics at NUI, Galway advises:
This is the essential reference point for studying how Classical mythology is represented and re-created in ancient art. The paired volumes of text and illustrations are authoritative beyond anything available elsewhere, on-line or off-line. The Lexicon will be an important permanent resource not only for Classics but also for scholars and students in many other fields.
Prof. Michael Clarke, Head of Classics at NUI, Galway advises:
This is the essential reference point for studying how Classical mythology is represented and re-created in ancient art. The paired volumes of text and illustrations are authoritative beyond anything available elsewhere, on-line or off-line. The Lexicon will be an important permanent resource not only for Classics but also for scholars and students in many other fields.