EndNote X6 - An introduction for Business and Economics staff and students

EndNote X6 - An introduction for Business and Economics staff and students

An introduction to EndNote X6 (bibliographic management software) for staff and students in the Cairnes School of Business and Economics will take place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 5th February, 1130 - 1330
Tuesday, 11th February, 1130 - 1330
Wednesday, 12th February, 1400-1600
Tuesday, 18th February, 1130 - 1330
Tuesday, 25th February, 1400-1600

You will learn how to manage references using EndNote X6 for Windows and how to use its 'cite while you write' feature. It is important that you are already familiar with searching databases (e.g. Business Source Complete) before doing this workshop.

The venue is the Library Training Room on the Ground Floor of the James Hardiman Library.
Places are limited so please book at http://www.eventbrite.ie/o/james-hardiman-library-igniting-curiosity-encouraging-scholarship-378278543

Workshop description: An introduction to EndNote X6 (bibliographic management software) for staff and students in the Cairnes School of Business and Economics. This workshop is based on the guide 'Introduction to EndNote X6' which is available on the Library website at 

You may wish to view the following tutorials in advance of the workshop.

Trainer:  Trish Finnan, Subject Librarian, Business and Economics.
Email: trish.finnan@nuigalway.ie
Tel: 00 353 91 493564 (direct line)
