Temporary Entrance/Exit Routes to James Hardiman Library

In order to facilitate the installation of a new Access Control System, of which more anon,  temporary entrance/exit routes to and from the James Hardiman Library will operate from Monday 9th September to the end of the month.  Please look out for the signs that will direct you to these temporary routes.  Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Entrance Route:  Monday to Friday 08.30-18.00
Approach via the slipway between the James Hardiman Library and the new Hardiman Building adjacent to the Library, at the top of the slipway proceed straight ahead and enter the Hardiman Building via the emergency entrance doors and then walk through the foyer towards the sliding exit doors. Just before reaching these doors turn right and walk along the short corridor leading into the library.                                                                      

Entrance Route:  Monday to Friday 18.00-22.00 + Saturday/Sunday
Approach via the slipway between the James Hardiman Library and the new Hardiman Building adjacent to the Library, at the top of the slipway turn right and enter via the emergency door on the western side of the James Hardiman Library.
Exit Route: Monday to Sunday at all times
Follow the exit signs within the James Hardiman Library and exit the Library  via the emergency door on the western side of the Library adjacent to the easy seating/newspapers area. 


Slipway between James Hardiman Library and Hardiman Building
Hardiman Building Emergency Entrance doors
Foyer of Hardiman Building-  at pillar turn right
