Having trouble finding the books you need?
Are you finding it difficult to find the books or journal articles you need amongst the Library's half a million books? Do you need help?
The Library offers 'Finding Books and Journals' training sessions every day Monday to Saturday, which will give you the skills you need.
The Library offers 'Finding Books and Journals' training sessions every day Monday to Saturday, which will give you the skills you need.
- Monday to Thursday 11.00 & 19.00
- Friday 19.00
- Saturday 11.30
- Library Training Room, ground floor of the Library.
No need to book - just drop in!
We also have some short online video tutorials and guides, showing you how to find a book and other key library skills.
And of course don't forget that library staff are here to help - come to the Customer Services Desk in the Library foyer or email library@nuigalway.ie and we'll do our best to help.