The Cecil Papers - Proquest Seminar

The Cecil Papers are a privately held archive, consisting principally of the correspondence of William Cecil, Lord Burghley (1520-1598) and his son, Robert, the 1st Earl of Salisbury (1563-1612). NUI, Galway is the first institution worldwide to purchase The Cecil Papers.
Access is available via 'Database by title' on

Stephen Brooks, Senior Publisher - Higher Education, Proquest will provide a seminar on The Cecil Papers in the James Hardiman Library, see details below.

Title: The Cecil Papers - Proquest Seminar
Date: Thursday 19th May 2011
Venue: Nursing & Midwifery Library PC Suite


1100-1130 History of The Cecil Papers and background to the ProQuest digitisation project

1130-1200 The Cecil Papers resource: scope, usage and applications

1200-1230 Hands-on workshop - exercises and activities

Registration is required, to register go to

Contact Niamh Walsh / 091 492095 for queries regarding this event.
