Cambridge Journals Online Enhancements
Cambridge University Press has announced the release of further enhancements to Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) . With the latest release, there have been a number of developments, including: Social bookmarking services, which allow users to save URL links of web pages they want to remember or share. Users can now bookmark links from journal homepages and article abstracts via such services as, Connotea., and Bibsonomy. CJO is also fully enabled for users of the CiteULike service. Enhanced search facilities , which include: Cite Search for titles matches the title of a journal as the user types; context-sensitive spelling correction suggests alternative spellings to words not matched in the initial search; automatic saved searches with re-run and edit facilities; and the ability to search throughout the CJO website using the ‘quick search’ option. Improved access : - users can now to log in directly from the abstract page of an article. Also, a Widget can be downloaded fr...