FAIR Data and Open Outputs

Open Scholarship is our staff development focus this month. It encompasses eight pillars one of which is FAIR data and Open Outputs. FAIR is the acronym used to describe data that is findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. The move towards a culture of Open Scholarship and FAIR and Open Outputs is accelerating. An increasing number of funding bodies such as the European Commission, Science Foundation Ireland, the Health Research Board and the Irish Research Council require that funding recipients make their research data FAIR and open. They are required to submit a Data Management Plan demonstrating how they will do so as part of their funding applications. FAIR data and Open Outputs makes the verification and re-use of research data possible, ensures the continuity of research as staff/researchers change, facilitates collaboration and minimizes duplication of effort and waste of resources. The library provides information, advice and training related to FAIR and Open Outputs and Data Management Plans for individuals and research teams. To learn more a good starting point is the Library Guide on Research Data Management and the Research Data Management Policy at the University of Galway and the schedule of related training sessions in the Researcher Workshop Series which is available at Library Events and Training
