Boost your research profile with ResearcherID
The need to profile your research achievement is key in an increasingly competitive environment. However it can be very difficult to distinguish yourself from other researchers. If you have a common name, like John Murphy, how do you distinguish yourself from all the other John Murphys? A common solution is to use your middle initial, but sometimes even this isn’t enough .
*Boost your research profile with ResearcherID*
ThomsonReuters, who publish Web of Science, have attempted to solve this with ResearcherID, which gives users a unique identification number – a number of NUI Galway researchers have done this already. When you register, you can quickly populate your profile with a list of your publications from a Web of Science search or from your EndNote account. If you have articles listed in Web of science, ResearcherID will automatically generate your citation metrics, including your h-index, the number of times you’ve been cited and a graph showing your citations year by year. You can make this public and include the link in funding proposals or on your webpage.
Learn more:
Fact Sheet (PDF)
E-tutorial: Create a profile (7:54 video tutorial)
E-tutorial: Promote your Research (7:34 video tutorial)
For more information on this or other researcher profiling services please contact Rosarie Coughlan, Research Support Librarian - for Science, Technology & Medicine. Email:, tel ext: 5697.
Warm Regards
Rosarie Coughlan
Research Support Librarian (STM)
*Boost your research profile with ResearcherID*
ThomsonReuters, who publish Web of Science, have attempted to solve this with ResearcherID, which gives users a unique identification number – a number of NUI Galway researchers have done this already. When you register, you can quickly populate your profile with a list of your publications from a Web of Science search or from your EndNote account. If you have articles listed in Web of science, ResearcherID will automatically generate your citation metrics, including your h-index, the number of times you’ve been cited and a graph showing your citations year by year. You can make this public and include the link in funding proposals or on your webpage.
Learn more:
Fact Sheet (PDF)
E-tutorial: Create a profile (7:54 video tutorial)
E-tutorial: Promote your Research (7:34 video tutorial)
For more information on this or other researcher profiling services please contact Rosarie Coughlan, Research Support Librarian - for Science, Technology & Medicine. Email:, tel ext: 5697.
Warm Regards
Rosarie Coughlan
Research Support Librarian (STM)