Expand your citation search with Web of Knowledge

Look for the new features listed below in ISI Web of Knowledge, starting this week. You'll find more citation content and searching
capabilities, as well as new linking and export options. See how you
can search, analyze, and use your results more efficiently.

Web of Science

See the full impact of the latest emerging research
Searching journal articles and conference proceedings just got easier
with Web of Science and Conference Proceedings Citation Index, previously called ISI Proceedings. This powerful combination lets
you easily discover which proceedings are the most influential.
You'll see who is citing proceedings, and discover new research directions. Check your local subscription today.

Citation Maps enhancements bring you a more focused analysis
A new slider bar lets you control the depth of citations viewed.

Learn more
about this unique analysis tool.

Verify an author's affiliation
Verify an author's identity by his or her affiliation -- simply by linking a common number assigned to the author and address.

REGISTER NOW for an online class about the latest enhancements to Web of Science:

"New in the Web of Knowledge for October 08 - Web of Science updates and enhancements"

  • Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 2:00 pm, EDT
  • Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 10:00 am, EDT
  • Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 2:00 pm, EDT

  • ISI Web of Knowledge

    Download articles directly to your desktop bibliographic management resources
    The direct export button to EndNote, Reference Manager, or ProCite is now available at the top of your results summary page making it easier to build your bibliography on the go.

    Try Scientific Web Plus and expand your search with new content
    Now you can access important data from institutional repositories automatically in your ISI Web of Knowledge searches. Theses, technical reports, dissertations, and more from 716 repositories are included in your ISI Web of Knowledge search, via Scientific WebPlus. And you can personalize your Web results by commenting, bookmarking, and tagging websites for further reference and to share with your colleagues.

    Find additional molecular biology information in your searches
    Access new links and full text to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) directly from ISI Web of Knowledge searches.

    Easier export from Inspec*
    Output Inspec results in the BibTeX format.

    New Chinese interface enhances usability
    Chinese speaking users can now choose to view the ISI Web of Knowledge interface in Simplified Chinese. Simply select the Chinese language link that appears at the bottom of the page in your ISI Web of Knowledge resource.


    Find exactly the author or publication you're looking for
    Search by past institutional affiliation, or by joint affiliation to find authors. Sort publication lists by publication year to quickly spot the one you need.

    Promote your work and visualize its impact
    The ResearcherID Labs environment provides dynamic tools for further exploration and analysis of your work. Link to your ResearcherID profile by adding your ResearcherID badge to any webpage or blog, and visualize the reach of your work using the Collaboration and Citing Article Networks. Watch a brief tutorial to learn how to get the most out of your ResearcherID experience.

    EndNote Web

    Build bibliographies easier with data from a variety of databases
    Export references found in other online databases directly to EndNote Web using the new Web browser plug-in for Internet Explorer and FireFox 2 (version 3 to follow shortly).
