Information Literacy: Library Training+

Last year over 4000 students received Library Training of one form or another, from a basic Library introduction, to subject resources, to advanced research and reference methodology. 

This training is essential for students to engage confidently with our resources but many education reports over the last few years have spoken of an expanded need in this area (1,2).

The SCONUL Seven Pillars model
outlines the seven attributes of the
Information Literate person. 
In essence the ability to navigate the complex landscape of 
information sources has been identified as a key graduate need. 

The Library is committed to developing this teaching role and promotes  the principles of Information Literacy as a means of creating lifelong skills and information awareness among students. 

What is Information Literacy?

Fundamentally Information Literacy is about building skills for independent lifelong learning in a systematic way throughout a student’s academic career.

Developing these skills will ensure that students:
  • Acquire a clearer understanding of the research process
  • Produce better assignments and research papers
  • Use a variety of information resources
  • Evaluate information critically and systematically
  • Learn to use information in an ethical manner and avoid plagiarism

IL knowledge and skills are best developed within the context of a particular discipline, rather than bolting on a ‘library element’ to a module or course. "Embedded" training within the curriculum makes these ideas and outcomes relevant to students and is shown to have better outcomes. 

An excellent booklet produced by Conul entitled "Integrating Information Literacy into the Curriculum" provides examples of Information Literacy case studies within Irish Higher Education.

Training your students

To request any training sessions this semester and/or discuss the role of Information Literacy in your teaching, please contact your subject Librarian

Also please take time to look at our list of upcoming training events to see if there are any general Library sessions that meets your needs. 

1. National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 - Report of the Strategy Group. 2011.
Dublin: Department of Education and Skill. P. 55.
2. JISC. 2010. Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World. 
